Well besides spending time in the hospital with the MIL we have been trying to get some things done around the house this weekend. Plant flowers, paint etc. We will have to see how the week goes but in the fall of last year before my MIL's stroke we had planned a surprise birthday party for my husband's grandmother who will be 90 years old. This Friday is when it was scheduled and many family members are flying in. With the health of everyone right now we probably shouldn't have it but like my husband feels this my be the last time some family may get to see his mom and his uncle while they are here in town so the party is still on. Oh so much has happened since my last post. My husband's uncle (my MIL's brother) had a heart attach and was in the hospital. His heart is not good and only working at 30% of what it should be. My MIL is still in the hospital but out of ICU. My husband is VERY mad at the doctor right now. We got a voicemail from him on Saturday telling us he talked to her and she wants to die. You should have heard how callus his message was. We spent a lot of time with her yesterday and talked and asked her many questions. She is alert but can't speak. She will communicate through blinks which are mostly consistent but not always. Boy I can tell you through our conversations she at this point does not want to die and could tell she was very upset at the questions her doctor I guessed asked her while no family was in the room to interpret. My husband wants to fire him. The nerve of him. Well we feel very good at the conversation yesterday. Things with the MIL are still not good but stable at the moment. She is a fighter that is for sure. I feel so bad right now for my husband's grandmother. She is a 90 yr lady who is in much better shape than both her children. You would think she is in her 70's. She is healthy, very alert and still drives great!! Unfortunately it appears she may out live both her children. I know only God knows that but the pain she must be going through right now. I pray that she is able to handle all this. We hope seeing family on Friday will help her too. O.K. I promise my next posts will not be talking about all the bad stuff happening. I need something uplifting myself. I will show some pictures of vacation next time.
Have a great day and BIG thanks to all our armed forces for all that they do.
1 comment:
I am so sorry about your MIL and your husband's uncle. My goodness, when it rains, it pours. I just want to lift you and your family up to the Lord and tell Him of your struggles. May you feel His strength and comfort in the days ahead.
Thinking of you today!
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