Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Big Decision

Well it's official, I've decided not to go back to work.   I'm joining the world of stay at home moms.  I've been going back and forth with this decision throughout my 12 week maternity leave.  I have always worked since I was 17 so this was a big decision for me, but it took us 5 years to have Kyle and the reality is we are not sure if we will be able to have another one.  This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to stay home and raise our child.  I feel this way, even though I have enjoyed my job the last 8 years, I can always find another job some day if I need to, but I can't hit rewind on Kyle growing up again.
So, I'm excited to start this new adventure in my life.  My husband is of course very happy I will be staying home with Kyle, but he is also glad I'm not going back to work because now we can spend more time in North Carolina.  Because my job had been so busy we could only get down there about once a year for a week or two at a time and now we can spend a couple months if we want to.  This will be fun. 
So if any of you stay at home moms or former stay at home moms have any words of wisdom for me please email me and let me know. I would love to hear from you.



Seersucker Scrapper said...

Congratulations! Sometime I wish I could stay home. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

By the way, I left a little something for you over at my blog today!

Jocelyn said...

yea for being a sahm...i have been home since my oldest was born. yikes that was 11 yrs ago. my biggest advice is to get out and I don't mean to get groceries:-) make time to do fun friend things like shopping.

Posh Peach said...

Congrats!!!! That sounds wonderful!
Thanks so much for the award, by the way. I must get to it soon!

Tara said...

You will have some days where you contemplate going back to work or wonder why in the world you decided to stay home but then reality will hit and you'll know it was the best decision ever. You will be there for all his firsts and that is definitely something you can't get back. Welcome to the world of SAHMs!!

prince snow farm said...

congrats on your ability to do this. I have an 11 year old, and a 6 year old, and would have given anything...not happening on 2 teacher salaries...not if we wanted to keep our house. Enjoy EVERY second!

Kate Spears said...

i don't think you'll regret this....and like you said, you can always get another job down the road. yay curly girl!

Suzanne said...

So happy for you! Enjoy every minute with your little guy!

Kate said...

How exciting! I just wish we lived closer to each other because Kyle and the baby I nanny for could be best buds!